Action class to work with keyboard in Selenium

Actions class is a built-in ability to handle various types of keyboard and mouse events.
We will use perform() to execute the actions.

Keyboard interface

sendKeys(keysToSend): Sends a series of keystrokes onto the element.
keyDown(theKey): Sends a key press without release it. Subsequent actions may assume it as pressed.
keyDown(CharSequence key): Performs a modifier key press.
keyDown(WebElement target, CharSequence key): Performs a modifier key press after focusing on an element.

keyUp(theKey): Performs a key release.
keyUp(CharSequence key): Performs a modifier key release.
keyUp(WebElement target, CharSequence key): Performs a modifier

public class ActionClass {
WebDriver driver;
 public void launchBroser()
  System.setProperty("", "C:/ChromeDriver/chromedriver_2.41.exe");
  driver=new ChromeDriver();
 public void ActionMethod()
  Actions actionObj= new Actions(driver); 
  WebElement inputbox=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@class='gLFyf gsfi']"));


Mouse interface

click(): Clicks on the element.;

doubleClick (): Double clicks on the element.

contextClick() : Performs a context-click (right-click) on the element.

clickAndHold(): Clicks at the present mouse location without releasing.


dragAndDrop(source, target): Clicks at the source location and moves to the location of the target element before releasing the mouse. source (element to grab, target – element to release).
actionObj.dragAndDrop(From_Element ,  To_Element).build().perform();

dragAndDropBy(source, xOffset, yOffset): Performs click-and-hold at the source location, shifts by a given offset value, then frees the mouse. (X offset – to shift horizontally, Y Offset – to shift vertically).
actionObj.dragAndDropBy(From,105, 30).build().perform();

moveByOffset(x-offset, y-offset): Shifts the mouse from its current position (or 0,0) by the given offset. x-offset – Sets the horizontal offset (negative value – shifting the mouse to the left), y-offset – Sets the vertical offset (negative value – shifting the mouse to the up).
actionObj.moveByOffset(150, 30).click().build().perform();

moveToElement(toElement): It shifts the mouse to the center of the element.

release(): Releases the pressed left mouse button at the existing mouse location.


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